Many individuals feel stress when they think about hearing loss. It can be a daunting thought that you might not be able to hear your world, and the fear that can result may prevent many from seeking the help they require. However, fear doesn’t have to be a barrier. It will be easier to take […]
Usually, the first stages of hearing loss develop slowly. You may dismiss your need for people to repeat themselves as them mumbling or background noise. But when this occurs, you begin to think that you might be starting to develop hearing loss. It will be easier to recognize whether your own hearing is changing by […]
For professional musicians, hearing isn’t just a sense, it’s a critical part of their craft and livelihood. Remarkably, many musicians still perform under the impression that hearing loss is an inevitable feature of their profession. This attitude, which views hearing damage as an inevitable consequence of the job, is both antiquated and harmful. Luckily, this […]
If you find yourself fighting to fall asleep because of disruptive noises, earplugs may offer a simple and effective solution. By putting in a pair of earplugs before bed, you can considerably decrease or completely block out sounds that otherwise interfere with your ability to sleep. With an assortment of earplugs available, it’s possible to […]
As our loved ones age, certain changes in their health can be expected. Hearing loss is one of the most predominant of these health concerns. As reported by the National Institutes of Health, around one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 suffer from some degree of hearing loss. This figure goes […]
Hearing loss is frequently seen as an unavoidable part of growing old, but the truth is that much of it is preventable. The progressive decline in hearing is not simply a outcome of time passing but a consequence of accumulated damage. Each exposure to loud sounds, whether at a concert, mowing the lawn, or through […]
The underlying basis of noise-induced hearing loss might seem well-founded. After all, the name itself indicates a fairly direct cause-and-effect relationship. Our fundamental understanding is that irreversible hearing damage is a result of exposure to overly loud sound over a long period of time. Though we’ve recognized this for some time now, we haven’t perfectly […]
Coping with an itch in your inner ear can be extremely uncomfortable and disruptive. While your instinct might lead you to use your finger or a small object to scratch the itch, it is essential to know the root cause first. Pinpointing the root cause of your ear itch will help you determine the safest […]
When we were younger, we often ignored the long-term health consequences of what we ate, we were more interested in taste and instant gratification. But as we become adults we begin to become aware of how what we eat can impact our health and overall well-being. One surprising way poor nutrition can have negative consequences, […]
From sporting events to family get-togethers to fireworks displays to motorcycle rides, summer is filled with enjoyable activities. And while most of these activities are healthy, many can present invisible risks to your hearing health. Over time, the loud noises that come with some of these activities can cause permanent hearing damage. A loud motorcycle […]